Saturday 8 October 2016

School and trying to reform...

A month of the new school year
About a month ago UK schools went back to dreaded school or college.

I'm in the dreaded last year of high school (Year 11 in England) and after watching a multiple of GCSE results on YouTube on the 25th of August I was determined and motivated to have the best year at school whilst working as hard as I've ever worked.

So a month of school has gone by and to be honest, the first month of the most stressful school year has gone 'okay'. I've revised for all of the controlled assessments and tests I've had so far and made myself sign up for maths and English intervention so I secure my target grades or even achieve above my target grades. I have completed all homework and researched how to do certain maths topics which I don't understand instead of googling the maths homework answers (which I use to shamefully do) Overall, I have been stress free!-so far.

As the thought of leaving school in eight months springs to mind a mixture of emotions and thoughts roll in:
Excited, Upset, relieved, nervous and What the hell do I want to do in life?

Decisions and College

Over the past week I've visited two local colleges and I'm 100% certain which college out of the two I want to go to.
At first, I was worried. My best friend wanted to go to the other college that I wanted to go to ,  I was scared incase I wouldn't have any close friends  at the college I want to go to.
However, after the college visit I want to go to she found out that the courses there are perfect for what she wants to do in life. 

When I visited the college in the evening  I went to the courses I want to do and asked loads of questions about the course! The teachers and students there are so nice and college is so different compared to school-you don 't have to wear uniform, independent research, and you can call teachers by their first names-you actually get treated like an adult rather than a kid!

That night when I came home I thought about changing a personal trait of mine.

Through out my time at school I've ALWAYS been a shy, introvert pupil who never puts her hand up even though I know the question, etc. However, when I join sixth form I am determined to come out of shell and speak more! (Not just to teachers but also to other people there) The teachers there wouldn't know that I've got low confidence and I'm shy unless I show it! Therefore, Sixth form/college not only to give me qualifications(hopefully) but to give me the chance to reform and come out of my shell a bit! And honestly I cant wait!

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In addition to finishing year eleven and completed all my GCSE'S (which is why I haven't wrote anything on here for nine months ) I ...