Thursday 14 April 2016

Make up and selfies;false appearance?

Are we a society that absorbs  narcissism  and jealousy through the power of selfies?

Are we a society that 44% of women experienced "negative feelings" when they weren't wearing make up;16% reported they felt unattractive;14% reported they felt self conscious and the other 14% admitted they felt "naked"?*

With many teens (previously using it myself) having editing face apps such as face tune and perfect 365 to erase blemishes, soften the skin, brighten eyes, whiten teeth and to correct imperfections on their 'selfie' it's hard  not to give a false appearance.

So why do we do "edit"?

Editing our flaws and imperfections on our "selfies" on social media makes us appear more beautiful and "hot" than we are,making it easy to attract people on social media,get more "likes" and to get  attention.However,editing apps are misleading people on social media as from my previous experiences I have had  boys message me on social media saying my profile pictures look "hot" and "beautiful" but when they see me outside of social media they laugh amongst themselves and feel
embarrassed that they called me pleasing names.Hence,I find it hard to accept myself and have low confidence.With myself,I only show the left side of my face on snapchat as its my 'good side' I also raise my left eyebrow as it makes my eye appear bigger and makes my eyebrows look lifted.

So do the way we pose also make us have a false appearance?

Many people ask others  today:why do you wear make up?

Make up is a mask for some people.Its a comfort zone in their own body,pleasing to apply and makes  me and others that 1% more confident.However,some women today feel the need to apply her "mask" in order to attract or please others.
A girl in my class the other day asked me "Emily,how can you not wear make up for school?" and I simply replied "I just can"
I feel like teens and other people these days have pressure to apply such cosmetics in order to look beautiful or appear attractive when in reality,"it's the inside of your true self which really counts" (quote from my mother aged 53) In addition,not wearing make up everyday can give others a shock factor when I do wear make up.
So is it the way we pose,present ourselfs or the apps we use that give us the inacurrate impresion?
Comment down below what you think!
Emilyy :))

*All statistics are legitimate and from a real source.

1 comment:

  1. Great post. I feel exactly the same. I did a similar post called "the makeup debate vol. 1" if you would like to check it out. em x



In addition to finishing year eleven and completed all my GCSE'S (which is why I haven't wrote anything on here for nine months ) I ...