1.My full name is Emily Charlotte Victoria (hence the name of my blog, but I don't like the name Victoria)
2.I'm 15 years of age
3.I'm an introvert
4.I'm from Yorkshire
5.All of my outfits are black and white
6.I have two cocker-jack puppies (12 weeks of age)
7.I fan girl over The 1975 endlessly
8.I have met Luke Friend twice
9.I started getting into alternative music at the age of 13
10.I care more about my Instagram feed than people
11.I used to have a YouTube channel (EmilyyCharlotte) but I found all of my videos cringey so I deleted them all
12.I love YouTube
13.I love Make-up (I spend all of my money on high-end make up ngl)
14.I hate school
15.I love walking up early to watch the sun rise
16.I love taking pictures
18.I have had braces for two and a half years
19.My favourite Tv show is Sherlock
20.I think Luke Friend and Matty Heally are v attractive but none of my friends agree with me :((
21.I have constanaly got a resting bitch face :))
22.I love writing (not at school writing but writing about my thoughts and experiences)
23.I want to go to the Leeds Uni when I'm older and study Journlisim
24.My favourite food is savory snacks
25.I have two sisters (23&30) and three stepsisters
My puppies (Bramble on the left and Willow on the right)

Willow looking very cute as always
Bramble looking mischievous