In addition to finishing year eleven and completed all my GCSE'S (which is why I haven't wrote anything on here for nine months ) I have one extensive, lounging summer ahead of me which I thought I would share my ideas for the summer and how to get the motivation for these ideas!
A couple of prolonging weeks after my last exam finished I got quite down and unmotivated. I felt really low since a first time in a long while but I also felt really weak and couldn't be bothered to do anything. If somebody had asked me to hang out with them I would have refused because I was feeling that down and the simplest of tasks was too much effort. After a refreshing but sweltering break in southern Italy I realised why I felt so down. Personally, I like to have and do a certain tasks / going out and the reason why I felt so down is because I was simply bored. Boredom struck and over powered me but since I had come back from holiday that feeling is no longer with me and I felt motivated and really positive about the summer ahead.
In reality I really enjoyed doing this since I'm an organised person myself I love to sort and group things together. This can make you so more refreshed and clean. Start my organising your drawers- displacing unwanted crap. With my wardrobe and drawers, I grouped my clothes into colours or try grouping your stationary. I had an excessive amount of stationery from the GCSE months but I didn't throw them away. Instead, I grouped my highlighters, pens and pencils into certain pencil cases and felt more organised and happy. I go by the quote "TIDY ROOM, A TIDY MIND"
Trying new things that you've never tried before can be refreshing and a new experience in which you may end up liking to do. For example, try wake up early (can be very hard to do) or something that iv'e been doing recently is not going on phone straight away when I wake up. The reason I do this because it's better for mental and physical health and you feel more productive for the day. I think this is quite an important one to come out of your own comfort zone every now and again as it can be new and nice.
I came up with this subheading as the moment whilst my mum grabbed herself a bag for crisps even though she's had breakfast, lunch, a roast dinner AND fruit- she picked herself some crisps- VERY inconvenient when you've had four meals. I know it can be very hard but if you eat healthier your body and even mind can become healthier too! I'm no diet talker but try swapping a bag of crisps for some fruit or if you're not hungry then don't eat!
Having a break from social media every once in a while can have an impact for your physical and mental health it can also improve your vocabulary and reading skills. I really like the Zoella book club at this time. I have read "moxie" which is about feminism and I'm going to read "the history is all you left me"
This one may seem like it would cost lots of money but it can cost you a small amount. So far this summer I've been on a recent family holiday to Sorrento, Naples in Italy viewing the sights and the pizza Italy has to offer and the Pompeii ruins but viewing new cultures and places can be so refreshing yet so nice and new. This summer I'm also heading down in the Welsh Valley's staying in a cute yet sophisticated cottage and viewing the Welsh sights. However, try visiting a new town for a day in your local area and you can see what your region has to offer.
This can have a significant impact upon your future and later life if you're a teenager. Try learning how to cook or fix something and you never know it might be useful for later.
Having a blog is somewhere in which you can write down your ideas and thoughts. Although I may not get the highest statistics but I still try to include blogging in my hobbies and a site in which I can look back and reflect upon. Write anything you want from make up looks to weekly reviews.
Since having a study gram (going to do a shameless self promo but follow me @emstudies.gcse) I have seen lots of bullet journal ideas and pictures. A bullet journal is a mixture between a planner and a diary in which you create yourself. It makes organising weeks and months a lot of easier and you can also keep track or what you're doing each day. I have ordered my bullet for just thirteen pounds from amazon so not too cheap but not too expensive either.
I'm going to wrap it up for today as it's been an exhausting post but from this, I hope you all have had some ideas and have an amazing summer!
Emily xox
Emilyy Charlotte
Hello everybody,I'm a teenage girl living a very awkward,life and here is where I write all my thoughts,feelings and experiences!Hope you enjoy! Instagram-emilycharlxtte Twitter-emilyrickard015
Thursday, 13 July 2017
Saturday, 8 October 2016
School and trying to reform...
A month of the new school year
About a month ago UK schools went back to dreaded school or college.
I'm in the dreaded last year of high school (Year 11 in England) and after watching a multiple of GCSE results on YouTube on the 25th of August I was determined and motivated to have the best year at school whilst working as hard as I've ever worked.
So a month of school has gone by and to be honest, the first month of the most stressful school year has gone 'okay'. I've revised for all of the controlled assessments and tests I've had so far and made myself sign up for maths and English intervention so I secure my target grades or even achieve above my target grades. I have completed all homework and researched how to do certain maths topics which I don't understand instead of googling the maths homework answers (which I use to shamefully do) Overall, I have been stress free!-so far.
As the thought of leaving school in eight months springs to mind a mixture of emotions and thoughts roll in:
Excited, Upset, relieved, nervous and What the hell do I want to do in life?
Decisions and College
Over the past week I've visited two local colleges and I'm 100% certain which college out of the two I want to go to.
At first, I was worried. My best friend wanted to go to the other college that I wanted to go to , I was scared incase I wouldn't have any close friends at the college I want to go to.
However, after the college visit I want to go to she found out that the courses there are perfect for what she wants to do in life.
When I visited the college in the evening I went to the courses I want to do and asked loads of questions about the course! The teachers and students there are so nice and college is so different compared to school-you don 't have to wear uniform, independent research, and you can call teachers by their first names-you actually get treated like an adult rather than a kid!
That night when I came home I thought about changing a personal trait of mine.
Through out my time at school I've ALWAYS been a shy, introvert pupil who never puts her hand up even though I know the question, etc. However, when I join sixth form I am determined to come out of shell and speak more! (Not just to teachers but also to other people there) The teachers there wouldn't know that I've got low confidence and I'm shy unless I show it! Therefore, Sixth form/college not only to give me qualifications(hopefully) but to give me the chance to reform and come out of my shell a bit! And honestly I cant wait!
About a month ago UK schools went back to dreaded school or college.
I'm in the dreaded last year of high school (Year 11 in England) and after watching a multiple of GCSE results on YouTube on the 25th of August I was determined and motivated to have the best year at school whilst working as hard as I've ever worked.
So a month of school has gone by and to be honest, the first month of the most stressful school year has gone 'okay'. I've revised for all of the controlled assessments and tests I've had so far and made myself sign up for maths and English intervention so I secure my target grades or even achieve above my target grades. I have completed all homework and researched how to do certain maths topics which I don't understand instead of googling the maths homework answers (which I use to shamefully do) Overall, I have been stress free!-so far.
As the thought of leaving school in eight months springs to mind a mixture of emotions and thoughts roll in:
Excited, Upset, relieved, nervous and What the hell do I want to do in life?
Decisions and College
Over the past week I've visited two local colleges and I'm 100% certain which college out of the two I want to go to.
At first, I was worried. My best friend wanted to go to the other college that I wanted to go to , I was scared incase I wouldn't have any close friends at the college I want to go to.
However, after the college visit I want to go to she found out that the courses there are perfect for what she wants to do in life.
When I visited the college in the evening I went to the courses I want to do and asked loads of questions about the course! The teachers and students there are so nice and college is so different compared to school-you don 't have to wear uniform, independent research, and you can call teachers by their first names-you actually get treated like an adult rather than a kid!
That night when I came home I thought about changing a personal trait of mine.
Through out my time at school I've ALWAYS been a shy, introvert pupil who never puts her hand up even though I know the question, etc. However, when I join sixth form I am determined to come out of shell and speak more! (Not just to teachers but also to other people there) The teachers there wouldn't know that I've got low confidence and I'm shy unless I show it! Therefore, Sixth form/college not only to give me qualifications(hopefully) but to give me the chance to reform and come out of my shell a bit! And honestly I cant wait!
Saturday, 13 August 2016
10 ways to enjoy teen life (my personal ways)
This is going to be a cheesy and deep post but I'm a cheesy person and I like talking deep, therefore I'm going to embrace my cheesiness and deep talks.
Being a teen is hard. There's no doubt about that: the growing, the emotions, the "developing", the spots, the friendships, the pressure of making yourself presentable and attractive and overall questioning why our presence on earth exist.
Some days I'm as happy as can be, some days I sit snuggled in bed feeling sorry for myself whilst watching YouTubers and snapchat of my friends partying and having fun, in the meanwhile I'm a full on hermit. I don't have a huge amounts of friends and the thought of me socialising with actual human beings makes me laugh. Some days I'm really down and upset. I actually question what's my purpose in life and why I keep feeling the way I do. The moral of all these emotions is that it's perfectly fine to acknowledge these roller coaster of feelings, that's what life is all about. To laugh, to learn, to cry, to feel, to experience, to enjoy and to love.
My top 10 (stupid and cheesy) ways to enjoy being a teen
1.Laugh,have fun, spend time with your closest friends and family (but please don't do anything stupid or pretend to be drunk-like most girls in my year do.)
If you're scared of doing these then you're going to be in scared and trapped bubble. I'm currently in a process of coming out of my bubble and it proves to be tricky. However, if people aren't accepting your true self, are you ever going to be happy knowing that people don't know your own personal traits and characteristics?
3.Dance like nobody is watching
It may sound silly but dancing like nobody is watching makes me feel stupid, silly, weird and it does give me an upliftment. Do that slut drop in front of your mirror then laugh when you fall over or dance to Drakes 'One Dance' or my personal favourite, try and learn Beyoncé's 'Single Ladies' dance.
4.Embrace your features-both inside(number two) and outside.
Put that foundation on. Blend them Naked 2 eyeshadows.
Take about 100 selfies
pose for that Dog filter-that shit makes you look airbrushed asf.
Or if you're not about the make up and vain life then stand in front of the mirror and pick our your best features. If you don't think you've got good features on the outside (which I'm sure you have) then pick out your best features from inside and embrace them.
5.Don't talk to boys without any intention of just being friends
I hate to break this to you some boys are dickheads and some aren't.If they're not a dickhead then they're a geek and if theyre not both of them,then they're an tumblr fanatic or just listens to hardcore music or just really skanky.
Don't worry about having a boyfriend,they're too much drama and too much to worry if they're liking other girls photos.You're a teenager.The right one will be out there somewhere and will come when you're much older.
I could ramble on forever but it's nine o'clock at night and I still have to watch my daily intake on youtube and I'm excited because Dan's uploaded an internet support group 8,BYE!
Being a teen is hard. There's no doubt about that: the growing, the emotions, the "developing", the spots, the friendships, the pressure of making yourself presentable and attractive and overall questioning why our presence on earth exist.
Some days I'm as happy as can be, some days I sit snuggled in bed feeling sorry for myself whilst watching YouTubers and snapchat of my friends partying and having fun, in the meanwhile I'm a full on hermit. I don't have a huge amounts of friends and the thought of me socialising with actual human beings makes me laugh. Some days I'm really down and upset. I actually question what's my purpose in life and why I keep feeling the way I do. The moral of all these emotions is that it's perfectly fine to acknowledge these roller coaster of feelings, that's what life is all about. To laugh, to learn, to cry, to feel, to experience, to enjoy and to love.
My top 10 (stupid and cheesy) ways to enjoy being a teen
1.Laugh,have fun, spend time with your closest friends and family (but please don't do anything stupid or pretend to be drunk-like most girls in my year do.)
If you're scared of doing these then you're going to be in scared and trapped bubble. I'm currently in a process of coming out of my bubble and it proves to be tricky. However, if people aren't accepting your true self, are you ever going to be happy knowing that people don't know your own personal traits and characteristics?
3.Dance like nobody is watching
It may sound silly but dancing like nobody is watching makes me feel stupid, silly, weird and it does give me an upliftment. Do that slut drop in front of your mirror then laugh when you fall over or dance to Drakes 'One Dance' or my personal favourite, try and learn Beyoncé's 'Single Ladies' dance.
4.Embrace your features-both inside(number two) and outside.
Put that foundation on. Blend them Naked 2 eyeshadows.
Take about 100 selfies
pose for that Dog filter-that shit makes you look airbrushed asf.
Or if you're not about the make up and vain life then stand in front of the mirror and pick our your best features. If you don't think you've got good features on the outside (which I'm sure you have) then pick out your best features from inside and embrace them.
5.Don't talk to boys without any intention of just being friends
I hate to break this to you some boys are dickheads and some aren't.If they're not a dickhead then they're a geek and if theyre not both of them,then they're an tumblr fanatic or just listens to hardcore music or just really skanky.
Don't worry about having a boyfriend,they're too much drama and too much to worry if they're liking other girls photos.You're a teenager.The right one will be out there somewhere and will come when you're much older.
I could ramble on forever but it's nine o'clock at night and I still have to watch my daily intake on youtube and I'm excited because Dan's uploaded an internet support group 8,BYE!
Sunday, 12 June 2016
The BT guy-most awkard expeirence of my life YET!!
In August 2015,the most awkward experience in my life happened to me and I'm SO glad that Lauren (my best friend) experienced this embarrassing-yet funny moment with me.
On this particular day my parents both had the dentist and my mum told me in the morning that there was going to be a man in the house fixing the faulty with the house phone. I also invited Lauren round since I was really bored and also needed upliftment. Whilst me and Lauren sat in my bedroom chatting away I heard a low voice from downstairs, which was the electrician (aka BT guy)
When my mum called me downstairs to say she was going to the dentist she said that the BT guy was at the local electric pole around the corner from my house.She also said to remain downstairs until the BT guy came back into the house and had gone in case he actually turned out to be a burglar.
So as me and Lauren remained downstairs in my lounge chatting away for about 10 minutes that's when we noticed the BT guy walking up my garden path out of the corner of my eye and OH MY...
As soon as me and Lauren saw him we both darted eyes at each other and instantly smiled.
I'm not talking about an old, wrinkly 50 year old man I'm talking about at least a 19/20 year old man with tanned skin, dark hair and RayBan sunglasses.
He then walked back in the house and asked where my mum had gone so I gave him a reply of "she went to the dentist, she told you" The BT guy just froze as he knew he was in a lonely house with two teenage girls. After an awkward second, he carried on repairing the house phone in the front room whilst me and Lauren stood and watched whilst doing the odd smirking and giggling tto each other as a hot guy just stood in front of us doing his job.
imagined how awkward it is yet?
it gets even MORE awkward...
As the BT guy goes into the kitchen he asks me if he can connect the phone and the wifi up together and this moment I just said an awkard reply of "i'm not sure" as I didn't want my parents coming ack and blaming me for something they didn't want the electrician to do.
At this moment I sat back down carried on talking until my mums phone started vibrating and the song "girls just wanna have fun" started playing (don't ask, this is her ringtone) I instantly picked up the phone in case the dentist was a disguised murderer until I also heard a hello in the kitchen...
He then said "Hello is this "..........." and I ACTUALLY replied with a no
It turned out that the BT guy actually rang my mums phone to ask permission to connect the phone to the wifi and as my mum didn't take her phone with her the awkward moment happened.
He then came back into the lounge and started laughing as I turned crimson in the face like a beetroot..
I made an idiot of myself in front of a hot guy. Well played Emily...
On this particular day my parents both had the dentist and my mum told me in the morning that there was going to be a man in the house fixing the faulty with the house phone. I also invited Lauren round since I was really bored and also needed upliftment. Whilst me and Lauren sat in my bedroom chatting away I heard a low voice from downstairs, which was the electrician (aka BT guy)
When my mum called me downstairs to say she was going to the dentist she said that the BT guy was at the local electric pole around the corner from my house.She also said to remain downstairs until the BT guy came back into the house and had gone in case he actually turned out to be a burglar.
So as me and Lauren remained downstairs in my lounge chatting away for about 10 minutes that's when we noticed the BT guy walking up my garden path out of the corner of my eye and OH MY...
As soon as me and Lauren saw him we both darted eyes at each other and instantly smiled.
I'm not talking about an old, wrinkly 50 year old man I'm talking about at least a 19/20 year old man with tanned skin, dark hair and RayBan sunglasses.
He then walked back in the house and asked where my mum had gone so I gave him a reply of "she went to the dentist, she told you" The BT guy just froze as he knew he was in a lonely house with two teenage girls. After an awkward second, he carried on repairing the house phone in the front room whilst me and Lauren stood and watched whilst doing the odd smirking and giggling tto each other as a hot guy just stood in front of us doing his job.
imagined how awkward it is yet?
it gets even MORE awkward...
As the BT guy goes into the kitchen he asks me if he can connect the phone and the wifi up together and this moment I just said an awkard reply of "i'm not sure" as I didn't want my parents coming ack and blaming me for something they didn't want the electrician to do.
At this moment I sat back down carried on talking until my mums phone started vibrating and the song "girls just wanna have fun" started playing (don't ask, this is her ringtone) I instantly picked up the phone in case the dentist was a disguised murderer until I also heard a hello in the kitchen...
He then said "Hello is this "..........." and I ACTUALLY replied with a no
It turned out that the BT guy actually rang my mums phone to ask permission to connect the phone to the wifi and as my mum didn't take her phone with her the awkward moment happened.
He then came back into the lounge and started laughing as I turned crimson in the face like a beetroot..
I made an idiot of myself in front of a hot guy. Well played Emily...
Tuesday, 7 June 2016
Pamper routine
For me a pamper routine is the excuse to light some candles, de-stress, have a bubble extravaganza in the bath and fall into complete relaxation mode so here is "my pamper routine":
Firstly, I light the obligatory Yankee candle in "vanilla frosting" with some other tea light candles to set the vibe. I also run lush's "creamy candy" bubble bar under the running tap to create some fluffy bubbles. Doing these two procedures gives off a sweeten scent in my bathroom making it perfect to relax. I also play a relaxation playlist on Spotify to create a D.I.Y spa.

Some people might say I use too many products in the bath but when I'm giving myself a pamper I really want to make sure I'm very clean.
The products I use:
This creamy sweet-scented body wash from Lush is only available at Christmas so when it does come round to that festive period make sure you get your hands on this quick as it's very popular and sells out very fast! There's various sizes that come with this wash (Small, medium and large bottles-the larger the bottle the more expensive)I have also heard that this body wash is the same scent as the lush "candy cane mountain bubble bar"
Aqua Kiss
This body scrub is perfect to feel luxurious as it's from Victoria Secret. This product scrubs your body dirt away so its ideal to feel clean. I believe Victoria Secret is only available in big-main cities around the UK so it could be difficult to get hold of this product but you could always order online. I picked this product in a 3 for £24 pounds including this product I got VS "pure seduction" body mist" and aqua kiss body lotion.

Soap and Glory Clean On Me
This foamy-consistency body wash gives off the classic soap and glory scent which consist of cookies and vanilla. It's a body wash which does it's job...TO CLEAN!! This product comes at an affordable price which you get a lot of product for . As a bonus, the packaging is so cute!!

Aussie Miracle Moist shampoo
This shampoo is a creamy-foamy consistency which leaves your hair a shiny texture. I believe this shampoo is a little bit more on the pricey side but it does do the job to a high standard as there is also a numerous other shampoo's such as the Aussie shampoo that protects your hair from heat damage.
Soap and Glory Righteous Butter
This product is for use after wash. Apply this on your skin to create the soft, smooth skin you've always dreamed of. I also find with body lotions they often leave your skin sticky and greasy but with this dreamy butter lotion it soaks into your skin with a smooth after finish.
Firstly, I light the obligatory Yankee candle in "vanilla frosting" with some other tea light candles to set the vibe. I also run lush's "creamy candy" bubble bar under the running tap to create some fluffy bubbles. Doing these two procedures gives off a sweeten scent in my bathroom making it perfect to relax. I also play a relaxation playlist on Spotify to create a D.I.Y spa.

Some people might say I use too many products in the bath but when I'm giving myself a pamper I really want to make sure I'm very clean.
The products I use:
- Lush Snow fairy (Limited Edition only at the Christmas period)
- Victoria Secret body scrub in "aqua Kiss"
- Soap and Glory "clean on me"
- Aussie Miracle Moist shampoo
- Soap and Glory Righteous butter (after wash)
This creamy sweet-scented body wash from Lush is only available at Christmas so when it does come round to that festive period make sure you get your hands on this quick as it's very popular and sells out very fast! There's various sizes that come with this wash (Small, medium and large bottles-the larger the bottle the more expensive)I have also heard that this body wash is the same scent as the lush "candy cane mountain bubble bar"
Aqua Kiss
This body scrub is perfect to feel luxurious as it's from Victoria Secret. This product scrubs your body dirt away so its ideal to feel clean. I believe Victoria Secret is only available in big-main cities around the UK so it could be difficult to get hold of this product but you could always order online. I picked this product in a 3 for £24 pounds including this product I got VS "pure seduction" body mist" and aqua kiss body lotion.

Soap and Glory Clean On Me
This foamy-consistency body wash gives off the classic soap and glory scent which consist of cookies and vanilla. It's a body wash which does it's job...TO CLEAN!! This product comes at an affordable price which you get a lot of product for . As a bonus, the packaging is so cute!!

Aussie Miracle Moist shampoo
This shampoo is a creamy-foamy consistency which leaves your hair a shiny texture. I believe this shampoo is a little bit more on the pricey side but it does do the job to a high standard as there is also a numerous other shampoo's such as the Aussie shampoo that protects your hair from heat damage.
Soap and Glory Righteous Butter
This product is for use after wash. Apply this on your skin to create the soft, smooth skin you've always dreamed of. I also find with body lotions they often leave your skin sticky and greasy but with this dreamy butter lotion it soaks into your skin with a smooth after finish.
Sunday, 15 May 2016
25 facts about me!
In hindsight, you don't really know much about me and if you know me personally then you probably wouldn't know anything about me (apart from Lauren and a couple of others) so I decided to wrap up some facts about myself!
1.My full name is Emily Charlotte Victoria (hence the name of my blog, but I don't like the name Victoria)
2.I'm 15 years of age
3.I'm an introvert
4.I'm from Yorkshire
5.All of my outfits are black and white
6.I have two cocker-jack puppies (12 weeks of age)
7.I fan girl over The 1975 endlessly
8.I have met Luke Friend twice
9.I started getting into alternative music at the age of 13
10.I care more about my Instagram feed than people
11.I used to have a YouTube channel (EmilyyCharlotte) but I found all of my videos cringey so I deleted them all
12.I love YouTube
13.I love Make-up (I spend all of my money on high-end make up ngl)
14.I hate school
15.I love walking up early to watch the sun rise
16.I love taking pictures
17.When I was little I had nightmares of man in the moon
18.I have had braces for two and a half years
19.My favourite Tv show is Sherlock
20.I think Luke Friend and Matty Heally are v attractive but none of my friends agree with me :((
21.I have constanaly got a resting bitch face :))
22.I love writing (not at school writing but writing about my thoughts and experiences)
23.I want to go to the Leeds Uni when I'm older and study Journlisim
24.My favourite food is savory snacks
25.I have two sisters (23&30) and three stepsisters
1.My full name is Emily Charlotte Victoria (hence the name of my blog, but I don't like the name Victoria)
2.I'm 15 years of age
3.I'm an introvert
4.I'm from Yorkshire
5.All of my outfits are black and white
6.I have two cocker-jack puppies (12 weeks of age)
7.I fan girl over The 1975 endlessly
8.I have met Luke Friend twice
9.I started getting into alternative music at the age of 13
10.I care more about my Instagram feed than people
11.I used to have a YouTube channel (EmilyyCharlotte) but I found all of my videos cringey so I deleted them all
12.I love YouTube
13.I love Make-up (I spend all of my money on high-end make up ngl)
14.I hate school
15.I love walking up early to watch the sun rise
16.I love taking pictures
18.I have had braces for two and a half years
19.My favourite Tv show is Sherlock
20.I think Luke Friend and Matty Heally are v attractive but none of my friends agree with me :((
21.I have constanaly got a resting bitch face :))
22.I love writing (not at school writing but writing about my thoughts and experiences)
23.I want to go to the Leeds Uni when I'm older and study Journlisim
24.My favourite food is savory snacks
25.I have two sisters (23&30) and three stepsisters
My puppies (Bramble on the left and Willow on the right)

Willow looking very cute as always
Bramble looking mischievous
Thursday, 14 April 2016
Make up and selfies;false appearance?
Are we a society that absorbs narcissism and jealousy through the power of selfies?
Are we a society that 44% of women experienced "negative feelings" when they weren't wearing make up;16% reported they felt unattractive;14% reported they felt self conscious and the other 14% admitted they felt "naked"?*
With many teens (previously using it myself) having editing face apps such as face tune and perfect 365 to erase blemishes, soften the skin, brighten eyes, whiten teeth and to correct imperfections on their 'selfie' it's hard not to give a false appearance.
So why do we do "edit"?
Editing our flaws and imperfections on our "selfies" on social media makes us appear more beautiful and "hot" than we are,making it easy to attract people on social media,get more "likes" and to get attention.However,editing apps are misleading people on social media as from my previous experiences I have had boys message me on social media saying my profile pictures look "hot" and "beautiful" but when they see me outside of social media they laugh amongst themselves and feel
embarrassed that they called me pleasing names.Hence,I find it hard to accept myself and have low confidence.With myself,I only show the left side of my face on snapchat as its my 'good side' I also raise my left eyebrow as it makes my eye appear bigger and makes my eyebrows look lifted.
So do the way we pose also make us have a false appearance?
Many people ask others today:why do you wear make up?
Make up is a mask for some people.Its a comfort zone in their own body,pleasing to apply and makes me and others that 1% more confident.However,some women today feel the need to apply her "mask" in order to attract or please others.
A girl in my class the other day asked me "Emily,how can you not wear make up for school?" and I simply replied "I just can"
I feel like teens and other people these days have pressure to apply such cosmetics in order to look beautiful or appear attractive when in reality,"it's the inside of your true self which really counts" (quote from my mother aged 53) In addition,not wearing make up everyday can give others a shock factor when I do wear make up.
So is it the way we pose,present ourselfs or the apps we use that give us the inacurrate impresion?
Comment down below what you think!
Emilyy :))
*All statistics are legitimate and from a real source.
Are we a society that 44% of women experienced "negative feelings" when they weren't wearing make up;16% reported they felt unattractive;14% reported they felt self conscious and the other 14% admitted they felt "naked"?*
With many teens (previously using it myself) having editing face apps such as face tune and perfect 365 to erase blemishes, soften the skin, brighten eyes, whiten teeth and to correct imperfections on their 'selfie' it's hard not to give a false appearance.
So why do we do "edit"?
Editing our flaws and imperfections on our "selfies" on social media makes us appear more beautiful and "hot" than we are,making it easy to attract people on social media,get more "likes" and to get attention.However,editing apps are misleading people on social media as from my previous experiences I have had boys message me on social media saying my profile pictures look "hot" and "beautiful" but when they see me outside of social media they laugh amongst themselves and feel
embarrassed that they called me pleasing names.Hence,I find it hard to accept myself and have low confidence.With myself,I only show the left side of my face on snapchat as its my 'good side' I also raise my left eyebrow as it makes my eye appear bigger and makes my eyebrows look lifted.
So do the way we pose also make us have a false appearance?
Many people ask others today:why do you wear make up?
Make up is a mask for some people.Its a comfort zone in their own body,pleasing to apply and makes me and others that 1% more confident.However,some women today feel the need to apply her "mask" in order to attract or please others.
A girl in my class the other day asked me "Emily,how can you not wear make up for school?" and I simply replied "I just can"
I feel like teens and other people these days have pressure to apply such cosmetics in order to look beautiful or appear attractive when in reality,"it's the inside of your true self which really counts" (quote from my mother aged 53) In addition,not wearing make up everyday can give others a shock factor when I do wear make up.
So is it the way we pose,present ourselfs or the apps we use that give us the inacurrate impresion?
Comment down below what you think!
Emilyy :))
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